Essex show 2013
2013 Yankee Sportsmen Classic here at our OUTDOOR PARTNERS camp our hunters take part as Paul Kilbury, Jeff Baker and Todd LaForce long time camp hunters take part in working the booth here at the show. You can see that Mossy Oak is represented as well as
Essex show 2013 booth
2013 Camp Booth At Vermont Show, A big thank you goes out to all those hunters from camp who placed their mounts in the booth so that other hunters could see just what our camp and hunters are able to harvest. We purposely have youth hunter bucks, gun buc
Darren 2012 gun
Darren Score On Gun BUCK during his youth hunt here at his OUTDOOR PARTNERS camp. Youth hunters after the first half of their hunt can shoot bucks under our camp standards and Darren took advantage of that when he killed this nice buck. Darren in an earl